“While we can’t Hug” a story The story is read: https://youtu.be/2PnnFrPaRgY [ I’m not sure about the blowing kisses though!] And a chat from the author : https://youtu.be/mzERzTa74lo
Signing Time- Let’s make friends! https://youtu.be/CZ8vYeczZrc
The British Association for Early Childhood Education https://www.early-education.org.uk/
The new EYFS Framework: statutory The Document: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-foundation-stage-framework--2
The Vodcast about the new framework for PVIs and Childminders: https://youtu.be/aF5gDIIFysg
Development Matters: supporting the framework The document: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/development-matters--2
The Vodcast about the new development matters: https://youtu.be/kMKNvRaVCuE
Birth to 5: supporting understanding of child development The new document from written by practitioners for practitioners which will also inform your understanding and judgements. https://www.birthto5matters.org.uk/ [free to download]
The launch Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/v=283193963257831&ref=watch_permalink
Mumsnet - A great parents' forum with many interesting links to other resources
Netmums - Another great parents' forum
Daynurseries.co.uk - daynurseries.co.uk is the market leading day nursery resource in the UK
EarlyChildhoodEducation.co.uk - is dedicated to exploring how babies, pre-schoolers and young children learn
The Royal College of Midwives - The Royal College of Midwives provides support and information to the UK midwifery sector and every midwife working there, NHS and private.
Infant and Toddler Forum - The Forum aims to provide healthcare professionals with practical help and information on infant and toddler nutrition and development.
National Day Nurseries Association - National Day Nurseries Association is a national charity which aims to enhance the development and education of children in their early years, through the provision of support services to members. It seeks to develop, encourage and maintain high standards in education and care for the benefit of children, their families and their local communities.
Baby Names - Not just a site for helping you choose a name for your baby but lots of other useful information too.
HM Customs & Excise – Child Benefit
HM Customs & Excise – Childcare Vouchers & Tax Credits Calculator
HM Customs & Excise – Childcare
Harrow Families Information Services - useful link to Harrow Families Information
Herts Families - useful link to Hertfordshire Families Information Services
Islington Families - useful link to Islington Families Information Services
Croydon Families - useful link to Croydon Families Information Services